Mentoring Aspiring Graduate students and building an Inclusive Community

Connect. Empower. Succeed.

Our mission is to connect underrepresented and first-generation students with mentors who can empower them with the tools to succeed in their graduate school applications and beyond.


  • Follow us on X(Twitter) for Research Assistant job posts!
    Spring/early summer is when many labs advertise paid, full-time research assistant jobs, and we’re collecting as many ads as we can find on X (Twitter). So if you’re looking for a research assistant job, follow @MAGIC_Mentoring! (The plugin on this website does not update regularly, so go to X/Twitter for the latest info)
  • Our first round of 2023 “Formal” (one-on-one) matches are out!
    Everyone who requested a formal (one-on-one) match by October 4th should now have received one! And signups remain open! We will continue to create formal matches throughout the fall (at least) on a rolling basis. AND stay tuned for more information about drop-in (ad-hoc) mentoring via the HuskyLink online mentoring platform. On HuskyLink, mentees will […]
  • MAGIC now accepting signups for matching in September!
    Sign up here (3 min form) ASAP to be part of this year’s MAGIC mentoring program — we will be matching mentees with mentors later this month (Sept!). This applies to ALL mentees and mentors – so even if you were part of the program in past years, please fill out the form to indicate […]

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