Brittney Hernandez
Grad Student in Educational Psychology; Research Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation (RMME)
Interests: Evaluation (RoE) and Assessment Literacy

Jessica Loya
Grad Student in Psychological Sciences; Language and Acquisition
Interests: Language acquisition in children and Heritage speakers

Crystal Mills
Professional Staff
Coordinator for the CT Institute for the Brain & Cognitive Sciences (IBACS)

Maddie Quam
Grad Student in Psychological Sciences; Developmental
Interests: Language emergence, homesign, sign languages, number cognition

Lucia Rivas
Grad Student in Psychological Sciences; Ecological Psychology
Interests: Dynamics of communication and the role it plays in inter-organism dependencies

Caitlin Senni
Grad Student in Psychological Sciences; Language & Cognition
Interests: Theory of Mind, abstraction, and generalization, expressive language, social coordination

Amanda Sutter
Grad Student in Educational Psychology; Research Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation (RMME)
Interests: evaluation and research methodologies, especially those that center equity

Claudia Ventura
Grad Student in Educational Psychology; Research Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation (RMME)

Graduate Program Coordinator, Psychological Sciences

Eiling Yee
Faculty in Psychological Sciences; Language & Cognition
Interests: Semantic memory and the neural representation of concepts. Spoken word recognition and language processing. The neural basis of language.