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List of People
PhotoNameTitleDepartmentResearch Interests
Photo of Gerry AltmannGerry AltmannFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Sentence processing, event cognition, object representation
Photo of Mary Anne AmalaradjouMary Anne AmalaradjouFaculty
Animal Science
Probiotics based approaches to control food-borne infections, Host- microbiome interactions in health and disease
Photo of Robert AsturRobert AsturFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Hippocampal memory, Virtual Reality testing of complex behaviors, Spatial memory and development, Gender differences, Substance Abuse, PTSD
Photo of Jonathan XIV readingAna Luisa Barbosa Torreao DauGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Parenting, Attachment, Early childhood development, Early exposure to life stress and trauma, Disparities in mental health treatment
Photo of Marianne BartonMarianne BartonFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Early parent-child relationships, Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Developmental trajectories in Autism
Photo of Jaime BlackmonJaime BlackmonGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Anxiety, trauma, psychometric validation, stress
Cynthia BooGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Pragmatic language abilities of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Personal narrative production, Context effects on language production
Hayes BrennerGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Music cognition, Rhythmic entrainment and its role on neurodevelopment, Neurodevelopmental disorders (ASD, etc.)
Jeff BurkeFaculty
Psychological Sciences
The development of the disruptive behavior disorders, Chronic irritability and outcomes of depression and anxiety, Treatment and service engagement related to disruptive behavior disorders
Jackie CaemmererFaculty
Psychological Assessment Validity Issues, Relations between Social Variables and Academic Achievement and Application of Structural Equation Modeling & Longitudinal Analysis
Photo of Renee ChasseRenee ChasseGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Neurodevelopment, vocalizations in rodents
Silvia Clement-LamPostdoctoral Trainee
Psychological Sciences
Using multimodal behavioral and neuroimaging methods to examine the brain-behavioral basis of literacy development
Photo of Cristina Colon-SemenzaCristina Colón-SemenzaFaculty
Motivation, behavior change, social support, apathy, effort-based decision-making, health equity, mental health
Hannah CookeGraduate Student
Curriculum & Instruction
Improving equity in undergraduate STEM education and developing justice-centered ambitious science teaching practices.
Jeffrey CrawfordGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, First Episode Psychosis, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Electroencephalography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Processing Speed, Attention, Motor Ability, Sensory Integration/Interference, Reward Processing.
Photo of Nicole CruseNicole CruseGraduate Student
Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
Narrative and storytelling patterns; what those patterns can tell us about how language operates in the brain; and how using those patterns can be used as measurements for speech therapy and improved quality of life for those with neural-based communication disorders, primarily Aphasia and TBI.
Photo of Jason CrutcherJason CrutcherGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Optimal Outcomes in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Psycholinguistics of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cognitive neuropsychology of pragmatic language
Kimberly CuevasFaculty
Psychological Sciences
The development of basic and higher order cognitive skills from infancy through childhood with a focus on how brain maturation and underlying brain-behavior associations contribute to early cognitive processes. Development of basic and higher-order cognitive processes, developmental cognitive/social neuroscience, EEG, ECG, Neural mirroring systems, Latent learning
Adam DavidGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Trauma and recovery, Stress-related growth, Self-evaluation, Mindfulness-based interventions, Meaning-making, Habit formation
Photo of Kelsey DavinsonKelsey DavinsonGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Memory Development, Infant Learning and Memory, Neuroimaging (EEG and MRI)
Photo of Lee DrownLee DrownPredoctoral Trainee
Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
Speech perception, dyslexia, and Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
Alev EcevitogluGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Behaviour, pharmacology, neuroscience, stress, and genetics
Amy EgbertFaculty
Psychological Sciences
The etiology, correlates, and treatment of disordered eating in youth from underrepresented and marginalized backgrounds. Her work examines how social and environmental influences (e.g., food marketing, access to healthy foods) impact these eating behaviors.
Photo of Inge-Marie EigstiInge-Marie EigstiFaculty
Psychological Sciences
How to map complex behavioral constructs, such as social communication deficits, onto mechanistic processes in the brain; Psycholinguistics in autism spectrum disorders (acquisition of language, conversational gestures, discourse and executive processes, prosody); optimal outcomes in ASD; hyperlexia; savant musical skills; functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Renee El-KrabRenee El-krabGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
HIV Treatment and Prevention
Christiana FieldGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Behavioral interventions for weight loss and weight loss maintenance. Social, cognitive, and environmental influences on weight, diet, and physical activity.
Photo of Adrian Garcia-SierraAdrian Garcia-SierraFaculty
Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
Brain plasticity, language development, event related potentials, speech perception, and bilingualism.
Alexandra Garr-SchultzFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Identity, Self-definition, Experiences of Marginalization, Underrepresented groups, Multiple Identities, Authenticity Diversity and Inclusion, Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), and Experimental, Qualitative and Longitudinal approaches
Jamilah GeorgeJamilah GeorgeGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
PTSD; Racial Trauma; Chronic stress; Health disparities; Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders; Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy; Non-invasive Neuromodulation
Photo of Nikole GiovannoneNikole GiavannoneGraduate Student
Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
Speech Perception, Prosody, Functional Plasticity, and Electrophysiology
Photo of Amy GorinAmy GorinFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Treatment strategies to improve long-term weight loss and maintenance, motivational and environmental processes that affect weight control, the impact of modifying the physical and social home environment on weight loss and maintenance, couples-based approaches to weight management and weight loss, and weight gain prevention in young adults.
Photo of Jonathan XIV readingCorey GranthamGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Systemic racism and antiracist resistance, Social hierarchies (power, status, inequality), Team emergent states and processes, Personality and psychometrics
Photo of Caitrin HallCaitrin HallGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Social dynamics, interpersonal coordination, and group synchronization.
Photo of Brittney HernandezBrittney HernandezGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Research on Evaluation (RoE) and Assessment Literacy
Photo of Jonathan XIV readingGabrielle HettieGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Chronic pain, biopsychosocial factors, emotion regulation, health psychology
Photo of Jonathan XIV readingJames HughesGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Aging at Work, Hiring Discrimination, Employee Engagement, Virtual Workplaces
Photo of Gitte JoergensenGitte JoergensenPostdoc
Psychological Sciences
Eye tracking and how to integrate eye movements with other measures such as fMRI and EEG
Sara JohnsonFaculty
Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
Hellenistic Judaism, Ancient Fictions
Steve KinseyFaculty
School of Nursing
Anxiety/Depression, Cannabinoid/opioid pharmacology, Chronic pain, Stress and Substance use disorders
Photo of George KuchelGeorge KuchelFaculty
UConn Health
Multidisciplinary approaches to the study of aging emphasizing inter-individual variability and resilience mechanisms pertaining to mobility, voiding, cognition and host defense; Design and validation of geroscience-guided interventions into aging and common chronic diseases of aging; Personalized and mechanism-guided approaches to the diagnosis and management of common geriatric syndromes- "Precision Geroscience"
Nicole LandiFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Reading, Reading and Language Disorders, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroimaging Genetics
Photo of Caroline LarsonCaroline LarsonPostdoctoral Fellow
Psychological Sciences
Relationships between language and other cognitive factors in children with language disorders, including Developmental Language Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder, with the long-term goal of improving differential diagnosis and treatment.
Photo of Jonathan XIV readingOliver LasnickGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Functional connectivity in reading and neurodevelopmental disorders, Temporal sampling and neural oscillations in language, Computational modeling
Photo of Nathan LautzNathan LautzGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Cognitive neuroscience of concepts, grounded cognition, semantic control, context effects in semantic memory
Brittany LeePostdoctoral Trainee
Psychological Sciences
Psycholinguistics of reading and use of EEG and ERPs to investigate predictors of response to reading intervention in children with dyslexia. Language processing in deaf individuals, including phonological processing in American Sign Language (ASL), language co-activation in ASL-English bilinguals, and word processing in deaf readers.
Jerin LeeGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Psychological and social processes that motivate changes in social cognition and health. Relations between sexual assault victimization, pain, PTSD, depression, anxiety; links between mindfulness and psychological/physical health.
Photo of Kaya LeGrandKaya LeGrandGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Language in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) across the lifespan, language learning, and communication abilities of minimally verbal and nonverbal individuals with ASD.
Wesley LeongGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Event cognition and Conceptual Processing in Language
Photo of Jonathan XIV readingMichael LiGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Jessica LoyaGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Language acquisition in children, Heritage speakers
Photo of Jonathan XIV readingJie LuoGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Neural mechanisms of reading development and the neural signatures of successful reading instruction/learning intervention outcome.
Jim MagnusonFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Neurobiology and psychology of language, including processing, development, and disorders of spoken and written language; computational models as theory-building tools; developing comprehensive understanding of language and learning over the lifespan from cognitive, neural, and genetic perspectives through interdisciplinary collaborations; science communication.
Photo of Kelly MahaffyKelly MahaffyGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Reading comprehension, development of language and reading, and brain structure and function underlying language abilities.
Photo of Etan MarkusEtan MarkusFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Brain basis of behavior, focusing on rats. Specifically: Memory formation; Aging; Hippocampal system; Navigation; Social Interactions
Photo of Kerry MarshKerry MarshFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Immersive virtual reality methods; Ecological and dynamical approaches to environmental psychology; Motivational influences on persuasion, social cognition, and behavior; Implicit attitudes and HIV risk behavior; Social affordances and interpersonal coordination of movement
Lisset Martinez-BermanGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Anti-vaccination attitudes and celebrity admiration, and health attitudes,
Photo of Ruth McLeodRuth McCleodGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury and Behavioral Outcomes
Photo of Betsy McCoachBetsy McCoachFaculty
Educational Psychology
Latent Variable Modeling, Instrument Design, Multilevel Modeling, Longitudinal Analysis, Quantitative Research Methodology, Gifted Education, and Underachievement
Katherine McManus-ShippGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Eating disorders, weight management, physical activity, and obesity; Body image, weight stigma, and excessive exercise; Health psychology; Primary and secondary prevention & intervention
Photo of Hannah MechtenbergHannah MechtenbergGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
How analogical reasoning and language processing intersect to facilitate learning abstract concepts and in creative problem solving. Identifying the underlying functional connections within the brain that support analogical thinking throughout development.
Jonas MillerFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Empathy and prosocial development, Adversity, Resilience, Developmental psychopathology, Developmental social neuroscience, Environmental health
Photo of Jennifer MozeikoJennifer MozeikoFaculty
Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
Aphasia rehabilitation, discourse deficits following brain injury, mechanisms for recovery in chronic aphasia, functional neuroimaging.
Emily MyersFaculty
Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
Cognitive neuroscience of speech and language, aphasia, speech perception.
Letty NaiglesFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Language acquisition across languages and etiologies
Photo of Alexandra PaxtonAlexandra PaxtonFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Communication and social interaction as a complex dynamical system (including movement, language, attention, and emotion), Data-rich and dynamics-focused research methods and analyses, Naturally occurring datasets and “big data” for psychological theory-building, Ethics of human-derived data
Photo of Joselyn PerezJoselyn PerezGraduate Student
Educational Psychology
Achievement gaps regarding English Language Learners and self-efficacy of bilingualism
Photo of Kenneth PerezKenneth PerezFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Photo of Jonathan XIV readingChristian PiscopoGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Transformative Leadership and Team interaction
Photo of Felicia PrattoFelicia PrattoFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Intergroup Relations, Dynamics of Power, Social Cognition
Photo of Jonathan XIV readingDestiny PrintzGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Trauma, chronic stress, and PTSD; Coping and resilience in marginalized communities; Dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system and chronic health conditions; Translational research.
Photo of Madeline QuamMadeline QuamGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Language acquisition and emergence, homesign, sign languages, number cognition
Nairan Ramirez-EsparzaFaculty
Psychological Sciences
How culture and language influences personality, behavior, and health.
Photo of Jonathan XIV readingCarl RodriguezGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Analgesic effects and potential side effects of phytochemicals found in the Cannabis plant; Behavioral Neuroscience; Pharmacology; Pain and Cannabis
Ari Romano-VerthelyiGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Examining factors that affect Latinx families’ access to and engagement with mental health services, with particular focus on the referral process.
Photo of David SaltzmanDavid SaltzmanGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Neural bases of speech perception, distributional learning of speech sound categories, adaptation to talker specific speech input
Photo of Koyel SenKoyel SenGraduate Student
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Numerical modeling of particle dynamics and 3D printed tablet dosage form
Natalie ShookFaculty
School of Nursing
Social Psychology, Mindfulness, Behavior and well-being, Aging and Health Disparities, Pain
Photo of Kristin SimmersKristin SimmersGraduate Student
Educational Psychology
How and to what extent knowledge from the interdisciplinary field of Mind, Brain and Education science (MBE) impacts novice or pre-service teachers’ beliefs, attitudes and actions.
Sinead SinnotGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Stress and health-related outcomes, Post-traumatic stress and resilience, Meditation and mindfulness, Cognitive neuropsychology related to memory and attention
Photo of Erika SkoeErika SkoeFaculty
Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
Plasticity of the auditory system, auditory evoked potentials, and auditory neurophysiology.
Photo of Rhiannon SmithRhiannon SmithFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Friendships and social-emotional adjustment in childhood and adolescence
Photo of William SnyderWilliam SnyderFaculty
Language Acquisition, Comparative Syntax, Syntax-Semantics Interface
Jon SprouseFaculty
Experimental Syntax
Photo of Mackenzie StabileMackenzie StabileGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Neuropsychology, Developmental & Acquired Language Disorders, and Executive Function
Photo of Ian StevensonIan StevensonFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Computational Neuroscience, Statistical Analysis of Neural Data, Adaptation and Plasticity
Photo of Umay SuandaUmay SuandaFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Early communication and language development, the input and the learning environment, the dynamics of early social interactions, statistical learning, mechanisms of word learning.
Photo of Elise TavernaElise TavernaGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Neuropsychology; Cognitive, language and social outcomes in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Photo of Rachel TheodoreRachel TheodoreFaculty
Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
Perceptual learning, phonetic variability, cognitive neuroscience, language acquisition.
Gray ThomasGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Interpersonal synchrony during conflict; Habit formation; Dynamics of misinformation; Leadership, motivation, and team dynamics.
Photo of Hannah ThomasHannah ThomasGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Optimal Outcomes in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cognitive Neuroscience of Communication, Neuropsychology
Photo of Rebecca ThomasRebecca ThomasGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Early identification and assessment of autism spectrum disorders, ASD screening methods in primary care settings
Photo of Susan TilburySusan TilburyGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Music Intervention, Rhythmic entrainment, Computational neuroscience, Consciousness, Collective effervescence and ecstatic ritual, Self-other merging, Biorhythmic aspects of anxiety and trauma disorders, Mindfulness and contemplative practices
Photo of Alexandria TomkunasAlexandria TomkunasGraduate Student
Human Development & Family Sciences
Children’s social, emotional, and behavioral well-being, Education equity, School and community interventions, Child resilience
Kiranmayi VedanthamGraduate Student
UConn Health
Portia WashingtonGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Auditory and written language comprehension post-TBI, culturally informed approaches to research, aphasia.
Anietie WilliamsGraduate Student
Photo of Emma WingEmma WingGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
Event cognition, Sentence processing, Morphosyntax
Torri Ann WoodruffGraduate Student
Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
The management of hearing loss with a focus on family centered interventions.
Photo of Christine YantzChristine YantzFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Photo of Emily YearlingEmily YearlingGraduate Student
Psychological Sciences
The interaction between perception and action in the developing brain, Development of categorical and conceptual knowledge, Cognitive development in early childhood.
Photo of Eileen YeeEiling YeeFaculty
Psychological Sciences
Semantic memory and the neural representation of concepts. Spoken word recognition and language processing. The neural basis of language.
Elizabeth ZagataGraduate Student
Educational Psychology
The intersection of literacy and assessment with policy and special education law.